Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ji-Hong Kim - Bee - Critique

Let's get to the shot!

- on x830 to 831 both arms move down at the same time; don't forget to always offset them so that nothing moves in sync, even if the offset is only a frame or two

- ok, this one is not picky; watch out that you have arcs in his arm movements:

- I would put the bee a bit more screen left so that it's not overlapping with the stick:

- here we have the arc issue again:

- the elbow pops out from x901 to 902:

- from x905 to 906 and on, the whole body moves at the same time, and stops pretty much at the same time on x909; the main move should originate in the root, dip down for the anticipation (which you have), but then be the main driver and have the arms drag more; so delay their movements and keep those arcs going, both on the root (I'm tracking the his bowtie) and his arms:

As a whole, the shot looks good, you just have to make sure to get those arcs in (seems to be the main thread of this critique). But I've mentioned the arc issue on previous shots as well, so for future shots, I'd really make sure that you go through a list of things that each shot has to have (correct spacing, no pops; arcs; clean silhouette; etc.)

Hope this helps!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Yuri Perrini - Suitcase - Critique

The shot is coming along really nicely! Don't worry about your workspeed, you're doing great and it's important to have the foundation and poses right!

I like how you incorporated your reference into your anim at the end, the timing and poses work very well!

I would concentrate on finishing it up, so that the whole thing is blocked out and then I'd spline it, so you can see what's really going on timing wise.

Here my thoughts on some of the poses of what you have so far:

- At the beginning, I would move the ticket holding arm a bit more screen left, so that the ticket is sticking out a bit more to the left and so that you have more negative space between the upper arm and his chest.

- same thing when he looks down, I'm move both arms out more, so that the silhouette is cleaner and the hands don't overlap so much with the body.

- when he's pulling the suitcase up, it moves straight up, but if you look at the angle of his arms, the suitcase would rotate towards him a bit and get pulled up and back more

- when the handle breaks off, I would have it rotate more to the left, so that the handle is not overlapping with the body; and by doing that you will see more of the bent arm for a cleaner silhouette; right the we can't really see the elbow, so if you do the squinty test the SL arm looks more like a stump :)

But that's it! Keep going so that we can see it all blocked out, then spline it and we will fine tune the timing! Looking great though!


Friday, August 24, 2012

Arthurnal - Obstacle Course - Critique


so you're saying you did this shot in three days??? Holy moly, that's awesome!

Here my thoughts:

- I need a frame counter in it :)
(will use quicktime frame counter)
=> it feels like the camera is a bit too close up until x72:
- the guy is hugging the frame too much at the beginning:

- same thing around x35

- and then later around x51

It's okay to missframe so that the it looks like the camera guy has a hard time finding the character, but in your case your character is consistently hugging the top frame, so that you want to yell at the camera guy: "Frame up!!". So you either frame up to follow the guy more or you pull the camera way so that there is more head room.

- anim wise I feel like the drop around x24 could use two more frames, it feels a bit fast

- same with the up on around x31, I'd add two frames as well during that move

- I'd add a frame or two at x113, when he jumps up; from the antic to the jump you have a linear key, which makes that jump a bit poppy at the beginning, so ease out of that antic more

- same during the last swing around x151, I'd add a frame or two as well, it's just suddenly zippy in that section

- and one more frame after at x175 after he slides down; he slides and then pops into his roll, but at x175 he could be closer to the wall with that added frame. If you really want to keep this and the zippiness, I would at least rotate his chest and head back on x175, so that it feels like the feet are stop the slide and the body snap forward because of that, but it's just the lower body and the chest and head drag for a little bit before he dives into his roll

Once okay to be zippy and fast, but there are section where the body movement is finishing an action through physics (like the first hop around x23), so when a character is supposed to land, but it looks like he's being pulled down because he's so fast, then it feels weird (at least to me). It's as if some outside force helped him with that movement.

But overall it's a great clip with a lot of cool moments and ideas.